_helper->SyjMedias->addScripts('idx'); $this->_helper->SyjMedias->addStyleSheets('idx'); $this->view->headMeta()->appendName('viewport', 'width=640'); } public function rawmode(Syj_Model_Path $path) { $this->_helper->SyjReset->resetPlaceHolders(); $this->_helper->SyjMedias->addScripts('rawidx'); $this->_helper->SyjMedias->addStyleSheets('rawidx'); $this->view->headTitle($path->displayTitle); $this->_jsRawLocaleStrings(); if ($path->creator) { $this->view->jslocales['geomAttribution'] = $this->view->translate('route by %s', (string)$path->creator->pseudo); } $jsgeom = new phptojs\JsObject('gInitialGeom', array('data' => (string) $path->geom)); $this->view->headScript()->prependScript((string) $jsgeom); $this->view->rawmode = true; $this->_helper->ViewRenderer->setViewScriptPathSpec(':controller/raw.:suffix'); } public function indexAction() { $this->_initForms(); $url = $this->getRequest()->getUserParam('url'); if (isset($url)) { $this->view->geomform->setAction(""); $pathMapper = new Syj_Model_PathMapper(); $path = new Syj_Model_Path(); if (!$pathMapper->findByUrl($url, $path)) { if (is_numeric($url) and $pathMapper->hasexisted($url)) { $this->view->message = $this->view->translate("route has been deleted"); throw new Syj_Exception_NotFound('Gone', 410); } else { $this->view->message = $this->view->translate("route does not exist"); throw new Syj_Exception_NotFound('Not Found', 404); } } if ($this->getRequest()->getQuery('format') == 'raw') { $this->rawmode($path); return; } $title = $path->displayTitle; $this->view->path = $path; $jsgeom = new phptojs\JsObject('gInitialGeom', array('data' => (string) $path->geom)); $this->view->headScript()->prependScript((string) $jsgeom); $this->view->loginform->login_geom_id->setValue((string)$path->id); $this->view->geomform->geom_title->setValue($path->title); $this->view->profileActive = $this->_hasAltiProfile($path); } else { $this->_setInitialPos(); $title = "Show your journey"; } $this->_jsLoggedInfo(isset($url) ? $path: null); $this->_jsLocaleStrings(); if (isset ($url) and $path->creator) { $this->view->jslocales['geomAttribution'] = $this->view->translate('route by %s', (string)$path->creator->pseudo); } $this->view->headTitle($title); $this->view->headMeta()->appendName('description', $this->view->translate('website to share routes')); $this->view->loggedUser = $this->_helper->SyjUserManager->current(); } protected function _initForms() { $this->view->geomform = new Syj_Form_Geom(array('name' => 'geomform', 'action' => 'path')); $this->view->loginform = new Syj_Form_Login(array('name' => 'loginform', 'action' => 'login')); $this->view->userform = new Syj_Form_User(array('name' => 'userform', 'action' => 'user')); $this->view->newpwdform = new Syj_Form_Newpwd(array('name' => 'newpwdform', 'action' => 'newpwd')); } protected function _setInitialPos() { $lat = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('lat'); $lon = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('lon'); $zoom = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('zoom'); if (is_numeric ($lat) and is_numeric ($lon) and is_numeric ($zoom)) { $initialpos = array('lat' => (float)$lat, 'lon' => (float)$lon, 'zoom' => (int)$zoom); } else { $initialpos = $this->_helper->syjGeoip($this->getRequest()->getClientIp(true)); } $this->view->headScript()->prependScript((string) new phptojs\JsObject('gInitialPos', $initialpos)); } public function errorAction() { Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->setRequestUri($this->_request->getBaseUrl()); $this->_initForms(); $this->_setInitialPos(); $this->_jsLoggedInfo(null); $this->_jsLocaleStrings(); $this->view->headTitle("Show your journey"); $this->view->headMeta()->appendName('description', $this->view->translate('website to share routes')); $this->view->loggedUser = $this->_helper->SyjUserManager->current(); $this->_helper->ViewRenderer->setViewScriptPathSpec(':controller/index.:suffix'); $error = $this->_getParam('error_handler'); if ($error) { if ($error->exception instanceof Syj_Exception_ToolargeGeomUpload) { $maxsize = $this->_bytesToString(min($this->_strToBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')), $this->_strToBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')))); $errorMsg = __('File too large. File size must not exceed %s', $maxsize); } else if ($error->exception instanceof Syj_Exception_InvalidGeomUpload) { $errorMsg = __("Invalid file"); } $this->view->errorMsg = $errorMsg; } } protected function _jsLoggedInfo(Syj_Model_Path $path = null) { $loggedinfo = new phptojs\JsObject('gLoggedInfo', array('connections' => 0)); $user = $this->_helper->SyjUserManager->current(); if ($user) { $loggedinfo->logged = true; } else { $loggedinfo->logged = false; } if (isset($path)) { $loggedinfo->iscreator = $path->isCreator($user); $loggedinfo->pathid = (string)$path->id; } else { $loggedinfo->iscreator = true; } $this->view->headScript()->prependScript((string) $loggedinfo); } protected function _jsRawLocaleStrings() { $this->view->jslocales = array( 'osmAttribution' => __("Map by OpenStreetMap"), 'mapquestAttribution' => __("Map by MapQuest, OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA"), ); } protected function _jsLocaleStrings() { $this->view->jslocales = array( 'saveSuccess' => __("save took place successfully"), 'requestError' => __("server did not understood request. That's probably caused by a bug in SYJ"), 'gonePathError' => __("route not referenced on the server. It has probably been deleted."), 'notReachedError' => __("server could not be reached"), 'serverError' => __("there was a server error"), 'unknownError' => __("there was an unknown error"), 'userEmptyWarn' => __("you must enter a login name"), 'loginSuccess' => __("Login correct"), 'loginFailure' => __("Wrong login/password"), 'passwordEmptyWarn' => __("you must enter a password"), 'passwordNoMatchWarn' => __("Password do not match"), 'acceptTermsofuseWarn' => __("You must accept terms of use"), 'emailEmptyWarn' => __("you must enter an email"), 'emailInvalidWarn' => __("invalid email"), 'uniqueEmailError' => __("an user is already registered with this email"), 'userSuccess' => __("Account created"), 'newpwdSuccess' => __("A link to reset your password has been emailed to you"), 'canResubmit' => __("Now, you can retry to save"), 'routeBy' => __("route by"), 'osmAttribution' => __("Map by OpenStreetMap"), 'mapquestAttribution' => __("Map by MapQuest, OpenStreetMap and contributors, CC-BY-SA"), 'pseudoChecking' => __("checking availibilty"), 'availablePseudo' => __("available pseudo"), 'unavailablePseudo' => __("unavailable pseudo"), 'editAction' => __("edit"), 'createAction' => __("create"), 'cloneAction' => __("duplicate"), 'unsavedConfirmExit' => __("You have an unsaved route"), 'notEmptyField' => __("Value is required"), 'noResult' => __("no result"), 'uploadFileError' => __("could not analyze file content"), ); } private function _strToBytes($value) { $value = trim($value); if (is_numeric($value)) { return (integer) $value; } $last = strtolower($value[strlen($value)-1]); $value = (int)$value; switch ($last) { case 'k' : $value *= 1024; break; case 'm' : $value *= 1024 * 1024; break; case 'g' : $value *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024; break; default : break; } return $value; } private function _bytesToString($size) { $sizes = array('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB'); for ($c=0; $c < (count ($sizes) - 1) && $size >= 1024; $c++) { $size = $size / 1024; } return round($size) . $sizes[$c]; } private function _hasAltiProfile($path) { if (!extension_loaded('gd')) { return false; } $cachefile = $path->getProfileCache('small'); if (file_exists($cachefile)) { return filesize($cachefile) != 0; } try { $service = $this->_helper->SyjAltiService->service(); } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } try { $path->getAltiProfile($service, 2 / 100); return true; } catch(Syj_Exception_NotImplemented $e) { @touch($cachefile); return false; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } }