_helper->SyjPostData->getPostData('Syj_Form_Geom'); $path = new Syj_Model_Path(); $user = $this->_helper->SyjSession->user(); if (!$user and !$formData["geom_accept"]) { throw new Syj_Exception_Request(); } $path->creator = $user; $path->creatorIp = $this->getRequest()->getClientIp(true); $this->save($path, $formData); $redirecturl = "idx/" . (string)$path->id; if ($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) { $data = array('redirect' => $redirecturl); $this->_helper->SyjApi->setCode(201)->setBodyJson($data); } else { $this->_helper->SyjApi->setRedirect($redirecturl, 303); } } public function updateAction() { $formData = $this->_helper->SyjPostData->getPostData('Syj_Form_Geom'); $path = $this->getPath(); $this->save($path, $formData); $this->_helper->SyjApi->setCode(200); // we should use 204, but ie mangles 204 to 1223 } public function deleteAction() { $path = $this->getPath(); $pathMapper = new Syj_Model_PathMapper(); $pathMapper->delete ($path); $this->_helper->SyjApi->setCode(200); // we should use 204, but ie mangles 204 to 1223 } public function getPath() { $idx = $this->getRequest()->getUserParam('idx'); $path = new Syj_Model_Path(); $pathMapper = new Syj_Model_PathMapper(); if (!$pathMapper->find($idx, $path)) { if ($pathMapper->hasexisted($idx)) { throw new Syj_Exception_NotFound('Gone', 410); } else { throw new Syj_Exception_NotFound('Not Found', 404); } } $user = $this->_helper->SyjSession->user(); if (!$path->isCreator($user)) { throw new Syj_Exception_Forbidden(); } return $path; } public function save(Syj_Model_Path $path, $formData) { /* setting geom property */ $geom = null; foreach (array("WKT", "KML", "GPX", "geoJSON") as $dectype) { $classname = 'gisconverter\\' . $dectype; $decoder = new $classname(); try { $geom = $decoder->geomFromText($formData["geom_data"]); } catch (Exception $e) { } if ($geom) { break; } } if (!$geom) { throw new Syj_Exception_InvalidGeomUpload(); } if ($geom::name != "LineString") { throw new Syj_Exception_Request(); } $path->geom = $geom; /* setting title property */ if (isset($formData["geom_title"])) { $path->title = $formData["geom_title"]; } /* now, saving !*/ $pathMapper = new Syj_Model_PathMapper(); try { $pathMapper->save ($path); } catch(Zend_Db_Statement_Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == 23505) { // 23505: Unique violation throw new Syj_Exception_Request(); $message = $e->getMessage(); if (strpos($message, 'paths_geom_key') !== false) { throw new Syj_Exception_Request("uniquepath"); } else { throw $e; } } else { throw $e; } } } }