listfeatures (); foreach ($features as $feature) { if ($feature->imgpath) { $imgfilename = UPLOADDIR . "/" . $feature->imgpath; $thumbfilename = getthumbsdir () . "/mini_" . $feature->imgpath; if ((file_exists ($imgfilename)) && (!(file_exists ($thumbfilename)))) { create_thumbnail_or_copy ($imgfilename, $thumbfilename); } } } return true; } require_once ("./inc/settings.php"); require_once ("./inc/db/mysql.php"); require_once ("./inc/utils.php"); $error = false; try { $connection->connect (DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPWD, DBNAME, DBPREFIX); $usrtblexists = $connection->users_table_exists (); $itemstblexists = $connection->items_table_exists (); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = true; } if (!$usrtblexists || !$itemstblexists) { $error = true; } if ($error) { die(sprintf('


', trans('SYP is not correctly installed. Please follow README.txt instructions and go to wizard.'))); } safe_create_writable_dir (getthumbsdir ()); if (create_all_thumbs ($connection)) { par_success (trans('Thumbnails successfully created.')); } else { par_error (trans('Error when creating thumbnails.')); } par_success (trans ('SYP upgrade went smoothly. You can now go to admin area')); ?>