connect (DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPWD, DBNAME, DBPREFIX); } catch (Exception $e) { switch ($e->getMessage ()) { case anydbConnection::err_driver_unavailable: par_error ($connection->getdbname() . ': ' . trans ('not supported')); case anydbConnection::err_connection: par_error (trans ('Could not connect to database.')); case anydbConnection::err_unknown_database: par_error (trans ('Database does not exist.')); default: par_error (trans ('Unknown error when connecting to database.')); } } try { $users_table_exists = $connection->users_table_exists (); } catch(Exception $e) { par_error (trans ('Unknown error when checking user table.')); } if ($users_table_exists) { par_success (trans ('Found user table.')); } else { if (isset($_POST ["password"])) { try { $connection->create_users_table (true); } catch (Exception $e) { par_error (trans ('Error when creating user table.')); } par_success (trans ('User table created.')); try { $connection->setpwd ("admin", $_POST ["password"]); } catch (Exception $e) { par_error (trans ('Error when initializing password.')); } par_success (trans ('Admin password initialized.')); } else { print ('
'); leave (); } } try { $items_table_exists = $connection->items_table_exists (); } catch (Exception $e) { par_error (trans ('Unknown error when checking data table.')); } if ($items_table_exists) { par_success (trans ('Found data table.')); } else { try { $connection->create_items_table (true); } catch (Exception $e) { par_error (trans ('Error when creating data table.')); } par_success (trans ('Data table created.')); } safe_create_writable_dir (UPLOADDIR); safe_create_writable_dir (getthumbsdir ()); if (!function_exists ("gd_info")) { par_warn (trans ('It looks like GD extension is not installed.')); } par_success (trans ('SYP is installed. You can now go to admin area')); ?>