$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 pageCount, OpenLayers.Strategy.Paging
 pageLength, OpenLayers.Strategy.Paging
 pageNext, OpenLayers.Strategy.Paging
 pageNum, OpenLayers.Strategy.Paging
 pagePrevious, OpenLayers.Strategy.Paging
 Paging, OpenLayers.Strategy.Paging.OpenLayers.Strategy
 pan, OpenLayers.Map
 Pan, OpenLayers.Control.Pan.OpenLayers.Control
 Panel, OpenLayers.Control.Panel.OpenLayers.Control
 panMethod, OpenLayers.Map
 PanPanel, OpenLayers.Control.PanPanel.OpenLayers.Control
 panTo, OpenLayers.Map
 PanZoom, OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom.OpenLayers.Control
 PanZoomBar, OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar.OpenLayers.Control
 Path, OpenLayers.Handler.Path.OpenLayers.Handler
 Permalink, OpenLayers.Control.Permalink.OpenLayers.Control
 Pixel, OpenLayers.Pixel.OpenLayers
 placemarksDesc, OpenLayers.Format.KML
 PointTrack, OpenLayers.Layer.PointTrack.OpenLayers
 Popup, OpenLayers.Popup.OpenLayers
 popupClass, OpenLayers.Feature
 popupSize, OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS
 POST, OpenLayers.Request
 preFeatureInsert, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 prefix, OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition
 preload, OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed
 previous, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 previousOptions, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 profile, OpenLayers.Console
 profileEnd, OpenLayers.Console
 Projection, OpenLayers.Projection.OpenLayers
 protocol, OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature
 Protocol, OpenLayers.Protocol.OpenLayers
 PUT, OpenLayers.Request
 radius, OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon
 raiseLayer, OpenLayers.Map
 Rectangle, OpenLayers.Geometry.Rectangle.OpenLayers.Geometry
 refresh, OpenLayers.Layer.WFS
 register, OpenLayers.Events
 registerPriority, OpenLayers.Events
 RegularPolygon, OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon.OpenLayers.Handler
 removeComponents, OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection
 removeControl, OpenLayers.Map
 removeFeatures, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 removeLayer, OpenLayers.Map
 removePoint, OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiPoint
 removePopup, OpenLayers.Map
 render, OpenLayers.Map
 Renderer, OpenLayers.Renderer.OpenLayers
 rendererOptions, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 reportError, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 reproject, OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest
 Request, OpenLayers.Ajax.Request.OpenLayers.Ajax
 RESHAPE, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 RESIZE, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 resolution, OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap
 restrictedExtent, OpenLayers.Map
 RootContainer, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer.OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 ROTATE, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 rssns, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 Rule, OpenLayers.Rule.OpenLayers
pageCount: function()
Get the total count of pages given the current cache of features.
pageLength: function(newLength)
Gets or sets page length.
pageNext: function(event)
Display the next page of features.
pageNum: function()
Get the zero based page number.
pagePrevious: function()
Display the previous page of features.
Create a new paging strategy.
pan: function(dx,
Allows user to pan by a value of screen pixels
Control which handles the panning (in any of the cardinal directions) of the map by a set px distance.
Create a new control panel.
{Boolean} When drawn, pan map such that the entire popup is visible in the current viewport (if necessary).
{Boolean} Framed Cloud does pan into view by default.
{Function} The Easing function to be used for tweening.
Add the four directional pan buttons.
panTo: function(lonlat)
Allows user to pan to a new lonlat If the new lonlat is in the current extent the map will slide smoothly
Create a new path hander
{Boolean} Keep the temporary measurement sketch drawn after the measurement is complete.
{Boolean} Leave the feature rendered until destroyFeature is called.
{Boolean} Leave the feature rendered until clear is called.
Create a new OpenLayers.Pixel instance
{Number} Maximum number of pixels between mouseup and mousedown for an event to be considered a click.
{String} Name of the placemarks.
Construct a point geometry.
Create a new point handler.
Constructor for a new OpenLayers.PointTrack instance.
Constructor for a Polygon geometry.
Create a Polygon Handler.
Create a popup.
{OpenLayers.Class} The class which will be used to instantiate a new Popup.
{OpenLayers.Size} This determines the size of GeoRSS popups.
POST: function(config)
Send a POST request.
preFeatureInsert: function(feature)
method called before a feature is inserted.
{Boolean} Load data before layer made visible.
{OpenLayers.Control} A button type control whose trigger method restores the previous state managed by this control.
{Object} Set this property on the options argument of the constructor to set optional properties on the previous control.
profile: function()
Turns on the JavaScript profiler.
profileEnd: function()
Turns off the JavaScript profiler and prints its report.
{OpenLayers.Projection} or {String} Set in the layer options to override the default projection string this layer - also set maxExtent, maxResolution, and units if appropriate.
{String} Set in the map options to override the default projection string this map - also set maxExtent, maxResolution, and units if appropriate.
This class offers several methods for interacting with a wrapped pro4js projection object.
{String} name of the context property to compare
{String} Name of the context property to compare.
{OpenLayers.Protocol} Required.
Abstract class for vector protocols.
PUT: function(config)
Send an HTTP PUT request.
{Float} Optional radius in map units of the regular polygon.
raiseLayer: function (layer,
Change the index of the given layer by delta.
{Float} Used only when in single-tile mode, this specifies the ratio of the size of the single tile to the size of the map.
{Float} the ratio of image/tile size to map size (this is the untiled buffer)
{Float} The ratio of the data bounds to the viewport bounds (in each dimension).
read: function(data)
Read data from a string, and return an response.
read: function(data)
Read data from a string of ArcXML, and return a set of OpenLayers features.
read: function(data)
Read and Filter doc and return an object representing the Filter.
read: function(json,
Deserialize a GeoJSON string.
read: function(data)
Read data from a string, and return a list of features.
read: function(doc)
Return a list of features from a GPX doc
read: function(json,
Deserialize a json string.
read: function(data)
Read data from a string, and return a list of features.
read: function(data,
Read and SLD doc and return an object representing the SLD.
read: function(text)
Return a list of features from a Tab Seperated Values text string.
read: function(data)
Read capabilities data from a string, and return a list of layers.
read: function(data)
Read capabilities data from a string, and return a list of layers.
read: function(data,
Read WMC data from a string, and return an object with map properties and a list of layers.
read: function(data)
Read capabilities data from a string, and return a list of layers.
read: function(data)
Read capabilities data from a string, and return a list of layers.
read: function(data)
Read DescribeLayer data from a string, and return the response.
read: function(data)
Read DescribeLayer data from a string, and return the response.
read: function(data)
Read WMS GetFeatureInfo data from a string, and return an array of features
read: function()
Construct a request for reading new features.
read: function(options)
Construct a request for reading new features.
read: function(options)
Read all features from the database and return a OpenLayers.Protocol.Response instance.
redraw: function()
Redraws the layer.
redraw: function(force)
Redraws the layer.
refresh: function()
Refreshes all the features of the layer
register: function (type,
Register an event on the events object.
registerPriority: function (type,
Same as register() but adds the new listener to the front of the events queue instead of to the end.
Create a new regular polygon handler.
remove: function(element)
Remove the specified element from the DOM.
remove: function(node)
removeComponent: function(point)
Removes a point from geometry components.
removeComponent: function(point)
Only allows removal of a point if there are three or more points in the linestring.
removeComponents: function(components)
Remove components from this geometry.
removeControl: function (control)
Remove a control from the map.
removeFeatures: function(features,
Remove features from the layer.
removeLayer: function(layer,
Removes a layer from the map by removing its visual element (the layer.div property), then removing it from the map’s internal list of layers, setting the layer’s map property to null.
removeMap: function(map)
Just as setMap() allows each layer the possibility to take a personalized action on being added to the map, removeMap() allows each layer to take a personalized action on being removed from it.
removeMap: function(map)
On being removed from the map, we’ll like to remove the invisible ‘pane’ div that we added to it on creation.
removeMap: function(map)
On being removed from the map, also remove termsOfUse and poweredBy divs
removeMarker: function(marker)
removeMarker: function(marker)
removePoint: function(point)
Wrapper for OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection.removeComponent
removePopup: function(popup)
render: function(div)
Render the map to a specified container.
{Object} Options for the renderer.
{Boolean} report friendly error message when loading of renderer fails.
{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in reshape mode
resize: function(scale,
Resize a geometry relative to some origin.
resize: function(scale,
Resize a geometry relative to some origin.
resize: function(scale,
Resize a point relative to some origin.
{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in resize mode
{Array} A list of map resolutions (map units per pixel) in descending order.
{Array(Float)} A list of map resolutions (map units per pixel) in descending order.
{Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely tied with the standard wms projection
{Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely tied with the standard wms projection
{Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely tied with the standard wms projection
{Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely tied with the standard wms projection
{OpenLayers.Bounds} Limit map navigation to this extent where possible.
Create a new root container for multiple vector layer.
rotate: function(angle,
Rotate a geometry around some origin
rotate: function(angle,
Rotate a geometry around some origin
rotate: function(angle,
Rotate a point around another.
{Integer} Constant used to make the control work in rotate mode
{String} RSS namespace to use.
Creates a Rule.