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 featureAdded, OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature
 featureClass, OpenLayers.Layer.WFS
 featureCoordSys, OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS
 featureDescription, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 FeatureId, OpenLayers.Filter.FeatureId.OpenLayers.Filter
 featureIdentifier, OpenLayers.Format.WMSGetFeatureInfo
 featureName, OpenLayers.Format.GML
 featurens, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 featurePrefix, OpenLayers.Format.GML
 features, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
 Features, OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML.Features.OpenLayers.Format.ArcXML
 featureTitle, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 featureType, OpenLayers.Format.GML.Base
 fids, OpenLayers.Filter.FeatureId
 filter, OpenLayers.Array
 filterCoordSys, OpenLayers.Layer.ArcIMS
 filters, OpenLayers.Filter.Logical
 finish, OpenLayers.Tween
 Fixed, OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed.OpenLayers.Strategy
 FixedZoomLevels, OpenLayers.Layer.FixedZoomLevels.OpenLayers.Layer
 FOLDER_PARAMS, OpenLayers.Layer.MapGuide
 foldersDesc, OpenLayers.Format.KML
 foldersName, OpenLayers.Format.KML
 Format, OpenLayers.Format.OpenLayers
 forwardMercator, OpenLayers.Layer.SphericalMercator
 Framed, OpenLayers.Popup.Framed.OpenLayers.Popup
 FramedCloud, OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.OpenLayers.Popup
 fromArray, OpenLayers.Bounds
 fromSize, OpenLayers.Bounds
 fromString, OpenLayers.Bounds
{Boolean} Should OpenLayers allow events on the map to fall through to other elements on the page, or should it swallow them? 
Constructor for features.
{Function} Called after each feature is added
{OpenLayers.Feature} If featureClass is defined, an old-style markers based WFS layer is created instead of a new-style vector layer.
{String} Code for feature coordinate system.
{String} Default description for features.
Creates an ogc:FeatureId rule.
{String} All xml nodes containing this search criteria will populate an internal array of feature nodes for each layer node found.
{String} Element name for features.
{String} Feature Attributes namespace.
{String} Namespace used for feature attributes.
{String} The feature namespace.
{String} Namespace alias (or prefix) for feature nodes.
Create a new parser/writer for ArcXML Features.
{String} Default title for features.
{Array(String) or String} The local (without prefix) feature typeName(s).
{Array(String)} Feature Ids to evaluate this rule against.
filter: function(array,
Filter an array.
This is an abstract class.
Create a new parser for Filter.
{String} Code for filter coordinate system.
{Array(OpenLayers.Filter)} Child filters for this filter.
{Object} Values to finish the animation with
Create a new Fixed strategy.
{Boolean} We want the framed popup to work dynamically placed relative to its anchor but also in just one fixed position.
{Boolean} The Framed Cloud popup works in just one fixed position.
Create a new fixed zoom levels layer.
{Object} Hashtable of parameter key/value pairs which describe the folder structure for tiles as configured in the mapguide serverconfig.ini section [TileServiceProperties]
{String} Description of the folders.
{String} Name of the folders.
{OpenLayers.Format} The format you want the data to be parsed with.
{String} Mime type of the images returned.
{OpenLayers.Format} The format you want the data to be parsed with.
format: function(num,
Formats a number for output.
format: function(template,
Given a string with tokens in the form ${token}, return a string with tokens replaced with properties from the given context object.
Instances of this class are not useful.
{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.
{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.
{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.
{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.
forwardMercator: function(lon,
Given a lon,lat in EPSG:4326, return a point in Spherical Mercator.
OpenLayers.Bounds.fromArray = function(bbox)
Alternative constructor that builds a new OpenLayers.Bounds from an array
OpenLayers.Bounds.fromSize = function(size)
Alternative constructor that builds a new OpenLayers.Bounds from a size
OpenLayers.Bounds.fromString = function(str)
Alternative constructor that builds a new OpenLayers.Bounds from a parameter string