$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 calculateAngle, OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon
 calculateInRange, OpenLayers.Layer
 calculateOffset, OpenLayers.Icon
 calculateRelativePosition, OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored
 canvas, OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas
 Canvas, OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas.OpenLayers.Renderer
 center, OpenLayers.Map
 centerLayerContainer, OpenLayers.Map
 centerLonLat, OpenLayers.Bounds
 checkImgURL, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
 checkModifiers, OpenLayers.Handler
 checkRedraw, OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
 checkTags, OpenLayers.Format.OSM
 Class, OpenLayers
 clearArray, Util
 clearBounds, OpenLayers.Geometry
 clearGrid, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
 clearLayerFilter, OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest
 clearLayersArray, OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher
 clearMarkers, OpenLayers.Layer.Markers
 clearMouseCache, OpenLayers.Events
 clearMouseListener, OpenLayers.Events
 clearOnDeactivate, OpenLayers.Control.NavigationHistory
 Click, OpenLayers.Handler.Click.OpenLayers.Handler
 clickFeature, OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature
 clickoutFeature, OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature
 clipLine, OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG
 closeDiv, OpenLayers.Popup
 closeOnMove, OpenLayers.Popup
 cluster, OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster
 Cluster, OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster.OpenLayers.Strategy
 clustering, OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster
 clusters, OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster
 clustersExist, OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster
 collectDragHandle, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 Collection, OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection.OpenLayers.Geometry
 collectionName, OpenLayers.Format.GML
 collectRadiusHandle, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 collectRoots, OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.RootContainer
 collectVertices, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
 commitFailure, OpenLayers.Layer.WFS
 commitReport, OpenLayers.Layer.WFS
 commitSuccess, OpenLayers.Layer.WFS
 compare, OpenLayers.ElementsIndexer
 Comparison, OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.OpenLayers.Filter
 components, OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection
 concatChildValues, OpenLayers.Format.XML
 configureLayers, OpenLayers.Control.ArgParser
 considerSnapping, OpenLayers.Control.Snapping
 considerSplit, OpenLayers.Control.Split
 container, OpenLayers.Renderer
 containsBounds, OpenLayers.Bounds
 containsLonLat, OpenLayers.Bounds
 containsPixel, OpenLayers.Bounds
 contentDiv, OpenLayers.Popup
 contentHTML, OpenLayers.Popup
 contentSize, OpenLayers.Popup
 contentType, OpenLayers.Format.XML
 contextToMap, OpenLayers.Format.WMC
 control, OpenLayers.Handler
 Control, OpenLayers.Control.OpenLayers
 CORNER_SIZE, OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble
 count, OpenLayers.Console
 createAlphaImageDiv, Util
 createBlocks, OpenLayers.Popup.Framed
 createCluster, OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster
 createCRSObject, OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON
 createDefs, OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG
 createDiv, Util
 createdOffline, OpenLayers.Protocol.SQL.Gears
 createElementDefaultNS, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 createElementNS, OpenLayers.Format.XML
 createElementNSPlus, OpenLayers.Format.XML
 createFeatureFromItem, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 createFeatureNodes, OpenLayers.Format.OSM
 createFilter, OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX
 createFolderXML, OpenLayers.Format.KML
 createGeometry, OpenLayers.Handler.RegularPolygon
 createGeometryFromItem, OpenLayers.Format.GeoRSS
 createImage, Util
 createLiteral, OpenLayers.Style
 createLiterals, OpenLayers.Style
 createMap, OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap
 createOLPropertyNode, OpenLayers.Format.WMC.v1
 createOrUpdate, OpenLayers.Protocol.SQL.Gears
 createParams, OpenLayers.Control.Permalink
 createPlacemarkXML, OpenLayers.Format.KML
 createRegularPolygon, OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon
 createTextNode, OpenLayers.Format.XML
 createUniqueID, Util
 createUrlObject, Util
 createXML, OpenLayers.Format.OSM
 cssMap, OpenLayers.Format.SLD.v1
 curve, OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3
 Curve, OpenLayers.Geometry.Curve.OpenLayers.Geometry
cacheFeatures: function(event)
Cache features before they are added to the layer.
cacheFeatures: function(event)
Cache features before they are added to the layer.
calculateAngle: function(point,
Calculate the angle based on settings.
calculateBounds: function()
Recalculate the bounds for the geometry.
calculateBounds: function()
Recalculate the bounds by iterating through the components and calling calling extendBounds() on each item.
calculateBounds: function ()
Create a new Bounds based on the lon/lat
calculateBounds: function()
Recalculate the bounds for the geometry.
calculateBounds: function(center,
calculateBounds: function(mapBounds)
calculateGridLayout: function(bounds,
Generate parameters for the grid layout.
calculateGridLayout: function(bounds,
ka-Map uses the center point of the map as an origin for its tiles.
calculateGridLayout: function(bounds,
Generate parameters for the grid layout.
calculateInRange: function()
{Boolean} The layer is displayable at the current map’s current resolution.
Besides the standard offset as determined by the Anchored class, our Framed popups have a special ‘offset’ property for each of their positions, which is used to offset the popup relative to its anchor.
{OpenLayers.Pixel} Function to calculate the offset (based on the size)
callback: function (name,
Trigger the control’s named callback with the given arguments
callback: function (name,
Trigger the control’s named callback with the given arguments
{Object} Function to be called when the read, create, update, delete or commit operation completes, read-only, set through the options passed to the constructor.
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handler for callback
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handler for callback
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handlers.feature for callback
{Object} An object with start, eachStep and done properties whose values are functions to be call during the animation.
callUserCallback: function(resp,
This method is used from within the commit method each time an an HTTP response is received from the server, it is responsible for calling the user-supplied callbacks.
callUserCallback: function(options,
This method is called from within commit each time a request is made to the database, it is responsible for calling the user-supplied callbacks.
camelize: function(str)
Camel-case a hyphenated string.
cancel: function()
Called when the drag handler detects a mouse-out (from the map viewport).
cancel: function()
Stop the control from measuring.
cancel: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “cancel” callback.
cancel: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “cancel” callback.
cancelHover: function()
Callback from the handlers.hover set up when hover selection is on
cancelHover: function()
Cancel callback for the hover handler
{Canvas} The canvas context object.
{OpenLayers.LonLat} The current center of the map
centerLayerContainer: function (lonlat)
This function takes care to recenter the layerContainerDiv.
{OpenLayers.LonLat} A cached center location.
checkImgURL: function ()
Make sure that the image that just loaded is the one this tile is meant to display, since panning/zooming might have changed the tile’s URL in the meantime.
checkModifiers: function (evt)
Check the keyMask on the handler.
checkRedraw: function()
Checks if the layer state has changed since the last redraw() call.
{Boolean} Should tags be checked to determine whether something should be treated as a seperate node.
Base class used to construct all other classes.
clear: function()
Clear history.
clear: function()
clear: function()
Clear any rendered features on the temporary layer.
clear: function()
Removes all rows of the table.
clear: function()
Clear all vectors from the renderer.
clear: function()
Clear all vectors from the renderer.
clear: function()
Remove all the elements from the root
clear: function()
Clear the tile of any bounds/position-related data so that it can be reused in a new location.
clear: function()
Clear the tile of any bounds/position-related data so that it can be reused in a new location.
clear: function()
Clear the tile of any bounds/position-related data so that it can be reused in a new location.
OpenLayers.Util.clearArray = function(array)
clearBounds: function()
Nullify this components bounds and that of its parent as well.
clearCache: function()
Clear out the cached features.
clearCache: function()
Clear out the cached features.
clearFeatures: function()
Destroy all features in this layer.
clearFeatures: function()
Go through and remove all tiles from the grid, calling destroy() on each of them to kill circular references
clearLayerFilter: function (id)
Clears layer filters, either from a specific layer, or all of them.
clearLayersArray: function(layersType)
User specifies either “base” or “data”.
clearMarkers: function()
This method removes all markers from a layer.
clearMouseCache: function()
Clear cached data about the mouse position.
A version of clearMouseCache that is bound to this instance so that it can be used with OpenLayers.Event.observe and OpenLayers.Event.stopObserving.
{Boolean} Clear the history when the control is deactivated.
clearTimer: function()
Clear the timer and set timerId to null.
clearTimer: function()
Clear the timer and set timerId to null.
{Boolean} Use a click handler for selecting/unselecting features.
click: function(evt)
Handle click.
click: function (evt)
The drag handler captures the click event.
click: function(evt)
Handle click.
click: function(evt)
Handle clicks.
Create a new click handler.
clickFeature: function(feature)
Called on click in a feature Only responds if this.hover is false.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
clickoutFeature: function(feature)
Called on click outside a previously clicked (selected) feature.
{Integer} Tolerance for the BBOX query in pixels.
{Number} The number of pixels the mouse can move between mousedown and mouseup for the event to still be considered a click.
clipLine: function(badComponent,
Given two points (one inside the valid range, and one outside), clips the line betweeen the two points so that the new points are both inside the valid range.
Create a cloned instance of this bounds.
clone: function ()
Create a clone of this vector feature.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Create a clone of this geometry.
clone: function()
Clone this geometry.
clone: function(obj)
{OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Geometry.Point
clone: function()
{OpenLayers.Icon} A fresh copy of the icon.
clone: function (obj)
clone: function (obj)
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function (obj)
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function (obj)
clone: function(obj)
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function (obj)
clone: function (obj)
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function (obj)
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function (obj)
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function (obj)
clone: function (obj)
clone: function (obj)
clone: function (obj)
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function (obj)
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function (obj)
Create a clone of this layer
{OpenLayers.LonLat} New OpenLayers.LonLat object with the same lon and lat values
Return a clone of this pixel object
clone: function()
Clones this rule.
Create a clone of this size object
clone: function (obj)
clone: function (obj)
{DOMElement} the optional closer image
{Boolean} When map pans, close the popup.
cluster: function(event)
Cluster features based on some threshold distance.
Create a new clustering strategy.
{Boolean} The strategy is currently clustering features.
{Array(OpenLayers.Feature.Vector)} Calculated clusters.
clustersExist: function()
Determine whether calculated clusters are already on the layer.
{String} Current language code to use in OpenLayers.
collectDragHandle: function()
Collect the drag handle for the selected geometry.
Return an array of geometries from a geometry collection.
Given an OpenLayers geometry collection, create a KML MultiGeometry.
Creates a Geometry Collection -- a list of geoms.
{String} Name of featureCollection element.
collectRadiusHandle: function()
Collect the radius handle for the selected geometry.
collectRoots: function()
Collects the root nodes of all layers this control is configured with and moveswien the nodes to this control’s layer
collectVertices: function()
Collect the vertices from the modifiable feature’s geometry and push them on to the control’s vertices array.
commit: function()
Write out the data to a WFS server.
commit: function()
Go over the features and for each take action based on the feature state.
commit: function(features,
Iterate over each feature and take action based on the feature state.
commit: function(features,
Go over the features and for each take action based on the feature state.
commit: function(features,
Given a list of feature, assemble a batch request for update, create, and delete transactions.
commitFailure: function(request)
Called when the Ajax request fails
commitReport: function(string,
Called with a ‘success’ message if the commit succeeded, otherwise a failure message, and the full request text as a second parameter.
commitSuccess: function(request)
Called when the Ajax request returns a response
{Function} This is the function used to determine placement of of a new node within the indexer.
Creates a comparison rule.
{Array(OpenLayers.Geometry)} The component parts of this geometry
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
{Array(String)} An array of class names representing the types of components that the collection can include.
concatChildValues: function(node,
configureLayers: function()
As soon as all the layers are loaded, cycle through them and hide or show them.
considerSnapping: function(point,
considerSplit: function(feature)
Decide whether or not to split target features with the supplied feature.
contains: function(str,
Test whether a string contains another string.
Determine whether the target bounds is contained within this bounds.
containsPoint: function(point)
Test if a point is inside a linear ring.
containsPoint: function(point)
Test if a point is inside a polygon.
{String} The CSS class of the popup content div.
{String} The CSS class of the popup content div.
{DOMElement} a reference to the element that holds the content of the div.
{String} An HTML string for this popup to display.
{OpenLayers.Size} the width and height of the content.
contentType: function(node)
Determine the content type for a given node.
{Object} An optional object with properties that the rule should be evaluated against.
{Object} An optional object with properties that symbolizers’ property values should be evaluated against.
contextToMap: function(context,
Create a map given a context object.
Create an OpenLayers Control.
{Array(OpenLayers.Control)} List of controls associated with the map.
{Integer} 5.
count: function()
Writes the number of times that the line of code where count was called was executed.
create: function()
Construct a request for writing newly created features.
create: function(features,
Construct a request for writing newly created features.
create: function(features,
Create new features into the database.
OpenLayers.Util.createAlphaImageDiv = function(id,
createBlocks: function()
createCallback: function(method,
Returns a function that applies the given public method with resp and options arguments.
createCallback: function(method,
Returns a function that applies the given public method with resp and options arguments.
createCluster: function(feature)
Given a feature, create a cluster.
createCRSObject: function(object)
Create the CRS object for an object.
createDefs: function()
{DOMElement} The element to which we’ll add the symbol definitions
OpenLayers.Util.createDiv = function(id,
Creates a new div and optionally set some standard attributes.
createdOffline: function(feature)
Returns true if the feature had a feature id when it was created in the Gears database, false otherwise; this is determined by checking the form of the feature’s fid value.
createElementDefaultNS: function(name,
Shorthand for createElementNS with namespace from defaultPrefix.
createElementNS: function(uri,
Create a new element with namespace.
createElementNSPlus: function(name,
Shorthand for creating namespaced elements with optional attributes and child text nodes.
createFeature: function(pixel)
Add temporary geometries
createFeature: function(pixel)
Add temporary features
createFeature: function(pixel)
Add temporary geometries
createFeatureFromItem: function(item)
Return a feature from a GeoRSS Item.
createFeatureNodes: function(feature)
Takes a feature, returns a list of nodes from size 0->n.
createFeatureXML: function(feature)
Accept an OpenLayers.Feature.Vector, and build a geometry for it.
createFeatureXML: function(feature)
Accept an OpenLayers.Feature.Vector, and build a GML node for it.
createFeatureXML: function(feature)
createFilter: function()
Returns {OpenLayers.Filter} The filter object.
createFolderXML: function()
Creates and returns a KML folder node
createGeometry: function()
Create the new polygon geometry.
createGeometryFromItem: function(item)
Return a geometry from a GeoRSS Item.
OpenLayers.Util.createImage = function(id,
Creates an img element with specific attribute values.
OpenLayers.Style.createLiteral = function(value,
converts a style value holding a combination of PropertyName and Literal into a Literal, taking the property values from the passed features.
createLiterals: function(style,
creates literals for all style properties that have an entry in this.propertyStyles.
createMap: function()
Construct the map that this control contains
createMarker: function()
Based on the data associated with the Feature, create and return a marker object.
createMarker: function()
createNode: function(type,
createNode: function(type,
createNode: function(type,
Create a new node
createOLPropertyNode: function(obj,
Create a node representing an OpenLayers property.
createOrUpdate: function(features)
Construct a request for updating or creating features in the database.
createParams: function(center,
Creates the parameters that need to be encoded into the permalink url.
createPlacemarkXML: function(feature)
Creates and returns a KML placemark node representing the given feature.
createPopup: function(closeBox)
Creates a popup object created from the ‘lonlat’, ‘popupSize’, and ‘popupContentHTML’ properties set in
createPopup: function()
OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon = function(origin,
Create a regular polygon around a radius.
createRenderRoot: function()
{DOMElement} The specific render engine’s root element
createRenderRoot: function()
Create the renderer root
createRoot: function(suffix)
createRoot: function(suffix)
Create the main root element
createSymbolizer: function(feature)
creates a style by applying all feature-dependent rules to the base style.
createSymbolizer: function(feature,
Creates the symbolizer for a feature for a render intent.
createTextNode: function(text)
Create a text node.
OpenLayers.Util.createUniqueID = function(prefix)
Create a unique identifier for this session.
OpenLayers.Util.createUrlObject = function(url,
Takes a feature, returns a list of nodes from size 0->n.
{Object} Object mapping supported css property names to OpenLayers symbolizer property names.
{Boolean} Write gml:Curve instead of gml:LineString elements.